Was hindert Frauen daran, das Familienleben besser zu gestalten.

Was hindert Frauen daran, das Familienleben besser zu gestalten.

Es gibt ein sehr schönes Gleichnis darüber, was eine Frau wirklich kann und was sie daran hindert. Eine junge Frau kam eines Tages zum Haus eines Bergeremiten, um ihn um Hilfe zu bitten. “Es geht um meinen Mann”, sagte sie. “Ich habe ihn sehr lieb. In den vergangenen drei Jahren war er immer weg und hat im Krieg gekämpft. Jetzt, wo er wieder zurück ist, spricht er kaum mit mir…

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Is it Necessary to Let a Man Be Alone Sometimes?

Is it Necessary to Let a Man Be Alone Sometimes?

Is it Necessary to Let a Man Be Alone Sometimes? It is the holiday season as I write this article and days off are plenty. Women dream about spending more time with their men. But often men have their own plans: meeting with friends or family, playing paintball or pool, or simply having some time alone… Is it beneficial for men to be with us all the time? Perhaps it’s…

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Can a woman change the family relationship alone?

Can a woman change the family relationship alone?

This is a chapter from the book “The Art Of Being a Wife And a Muse” Almost always there appears a question if I can change relationships myself. If I’m going to change, to do my duties, to accept my husband – what will it lead to? What are the guarantees of success? And this question indicates that with such approach there are no guarantees. We have already discussed three…

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Special children – to love or to heal?

Special children – to love or to heal?

Our elder son is special. I have already written about it here. Some psychologists and other narrow- minded specialists prefer to call him «ill». But I don’t think so. My son can walk by himself. He almost entirely can attend to himself. The only thing that gives itself away is his speech. He cannot yet communicate by phrases and dialogues. Yet. For me the other thing is important. He is…

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World Autism Awareness Day

World Autism Awareness Day

  Yesterday was World Autism Awareness Day. And I also would like to make my small contribution. It is long since my child was autistic and he has never been highly autistic. But what we had to face has changed my world. I realized what strong impact has disposition of mother during pregnancy, how very important the process of childbirth is and that one should not entirely rely on any…

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“Love – is being together in grief and in joy”

“Love – is being together in grief and in joy”

“Love – is being together in grief and in joy” Recently something sad had happened in my life. Italian soccer team, of which I’m a big fun for 20 years, lost final game in Euro. Everyone is talking about it now. I won’t discuss the soccer game details with you. Not every girl is interested in it. I’m going to talk about something different. When someone is a winner he…

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How to learn to listen to the man? Simple practice!

How to learn to listen to the man? Simple practice!

Women have problems changing their strategies. I know it from my own experience that even if you know what it should be like, you do many things just the way you are used to doing them. And even if you know that you should obey him and give him the leadership, it is incredibly hard to start doing it. It is unreal. Completely unreal. Especially if you have no experience in what it’s like. I…

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A job or a hobby?

A job or a hobby?

So many times I was questioned about it! – About money, about activity, about potential, about how it is unbearable to stay at home. And about me not staying at home (though I am staying at home all the time – it is just my home circling the globe along with my family). Definitely a woman should not be locked in alone with pots and pans. There she would howl…

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Why we do not talk about men’s duties

Why we do not talk about men’s duties

  A chapter from the book “The Art of Being a Wife and a Muse” Very often I hear from women: “Yes, it’s all good. Being a woman, taking care of others. But I will do that when the husband starts doing his duties. I want him to do the first step, buy me a fur coat, listen to me and then I can iron his shirts and make breakfasts.”…

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We are different – we have different needs.

We are different – we have different needs.

We are different – we have different needs. This is a chapter from the book “The art of being a wife” If the only thing you will remember after reading this chapter is that we are different, it will already be good enough. The problem is that often we give something that we would like to receive back. Women have three basic needs: Men also have three needs, but absolutely…

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