Quali ostacoli impediscono alle donne di sposarsi?

Quali ostacoli impediscono alle donne di sposarsi?

Ogni tanto alle mie lezioni venivano alcune donne sposate con rito civile. Il loro problema principale era la riluttanza dei rispetivi uomini a sposarle. Quando abbiamo iniziato a parlare, è venuto fuori che la proposta era stata fatta. Diverse volte. Ma… In modo prosaico ha proposto “Andiamo a registrare il matrimonio” – e a me così non andava Ha detto: “Se vuoi, possiamo farlo”, ma io desideravo che fosse lui a…

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Learning to open our heart…

Learning to open our heart…

We need to learn how to ask. To learn to express our needs and discomfort. To talk about feelings. To open our heart.  It is a normal and healthy attitude. It is a self-preservation instinct as well as self-respect. Besides, it is care about another person. Because oftentimes people hurt us not because they are sadists or because they hate us. More often they just do not know that we…

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¿Quién debe cumplir mis sueños sobre una familia perfecta?

¿Quién debe cumplir mis sueños sobre una familia perfecta?

  A medida que una niña vaya creciendo, los cuentos e historias provocan en su cabeza sueños y fantasías sobre su futura familia. Muchos juegos de las niñas de algún modo están relacionados con este tema. Ellas intentan adivinar el nombre de su futuro marido, cuántos hijos van a tener y si van a ser niños o niñas. Hasta piensan en sus nombres o su carácter. Juegan a las “relaciones…

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Mentre stavo salvando la nostra famiglia

Mentre stavo salvando la nostra famiglia

Come ogni ragazza, che si sposa, sognavo una vita coniugale lunga e felice. Avevo aspettative, illusioni, e molto altro ancora. Ma queste aspettative sono sfumate per la vita quotidiana e la routine. E dopo la nascita del bambino, ci siamo trovati di fronte a una grave crisi che è durata per qualche tempo. È proprio di questo che voglio parlarvi. E ‘molto personale, per molto tempo non ho voluto scriverne….

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Est-que la femme est en mesure de changer les relations familiales toute seule ?

Est-que la femme est en mesure de changer les relations familiales toute seule ?

  C’est un extrait du livre «L’art d’être la femme de son mari et sa muse» La question se pose presque toujours : est-ce que je peux changer les relations toute seule ?  Si je change, si j’accomplie mes obligations, si j’accepte mon mari – où cela va mener? Quelles sont les garanties de la réussite?   Et cette question nous dit que, avec une telle approche, il n’y a pas de…

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Wie der Mann — so die Frau

Wie der Mann — so die Frau

Einmal trafen sich die Ehefrau und die Liebhaberin eines Mannes. Sie begannen, ihn zu analysieren. Und die Ehefrau sagte: –      Er ist dumm, geizig und gemein. Ich kann es überhaupt nicht verstehen, was du an ihm findest!   –       Du irrst dich, — antwortete die Liebhaberin. — Er ist großzügig, weise und mutig! Urteile selbst: Zu jedem Feiertag bringt er mir feine Geschenke – hier sind Ringe, Pelzmäntel, ein Auto. –      …

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The two types of female energy

The two types of female energy

It’s finally happened! Femininity is at long last being talked about everywhere. The topic is gaining more and more popularity –women are getting more into it, and there are more workshops, lectures and books about it than ever before! This means that soon an era of change is coming to the world as we know it – an era in which women will get back their power and their femininity….

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Why do married women really work?

Why do married women really work?

  «Autumn Sonata» is the movie which made me think again about work in women’s lives. This thought appeared so obvious to me, that in reality most of the women tend to work just so they can run away from their homes… and from their pain. This movie is about a mother, who came to visit her eldest daughter. They started a discussion where the daughter was talking about her…

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Another way to lose energy – Pride

Another way to lose energy – Pride

Let’s talk about one more way through which we lose our precious energy. This feature is able to be disguised even better than envy or greed. It is also clingy and quite intrusive. You will not get far when it is living inside your heart. The name of this feature is pride. There are many words already said about pride. Here I will try to sum up it all. Forms…

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Where Should the Masculine Energy Go?

Where Should the Masculine Energy Go?

You definitely know that every person has two types of energy – yin and yang, male and female. The only question is the proportion – which one prevails? Does it correspond to the gender given to us by God? This question is very important. What’s even more important is that the woman needs the male energy as well in the modern world. It should not be too much of it…

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