About Family

Wie der Mann — so die Frau

Wie der Mann — so die Frau

Einmal trafen sich die Ehefrau und die Liebhaberin eines Mannes. Sie begannen, ihn zu analysieren. Und die Ehefrau sagte: –      Er ist dumm, geizig und gemein. Ich kann es überhaupt nicht verstehen, was du an ihm findest!   –       Du irrst dich, — antwortete die Liebhaberin. — Er ist großzügig, weise und mutig! Urteile selbst: Zu jedem Feiertag bringt er mir feine Geschenke – hier sind Ringe, Pelzmäntel, ein Auto. –      …

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What prevents women from improving family relationships?

What prevents women from improving family relationships?

What prevents women from improving family relationships? There is a tale about what a woman can actually do and what prevents her from doing it. Once, a woman came to the Wise Man for advice. She told him her story: “I really love my husband, but after he returned from war which had lasted for three years he barely speaks to anyone. When I speak to him he seems not…

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Who is responsible for a relationship?

Who is responsible for a relationship?

More and more often I get questions on my website which are left hanging in the air: • Why is it that only a woman should be chaste? • Why is it that only a woman should save a relationship? • Why is it that men don’t need to do anything, they just show up when it’s all done for them? • Why is it that a woman has so many…

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What is a right relationship?

What is a right relationship?

I often talk about right relationship. The ideal to strive towards which sadly is a rare occurrence nowadays. Does this mean that it is a myth? No, it does not. It means that each one of us has a chance to have it once we start changing and learning how to build harmonious relationships. Well, we often think that we know everything and can do everything. Why learning to  uild? – we met each…

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How much longer to put up with the husband’s antics?

How much longer to put up with the husband’s antics?

  This question is asked very often. In different variations, from very plain and innocent: – How much longer do I endure his scattered socks? – How much longer do I have to put up with unwashed dishes? – When will he finally stop driving me crazy with his computer games? – How long do I have to put up with his buddies and his mother? – Will there be…

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Everything lost for my family ?

Everything lost for my family ?

This is a chapter from the book “The Art of being a wife and a muse”. There are several criteria that your marriage is not in the best shape and is close to collapse. More precisely, there are only three criteria, and any woman can easily see and check them (because the view here indicates namely a wife’s attitude). 1. Husband does not like his wife’s cooking – and he often…

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Kas yra santykių plėtra?

Kas yra santykių plėtra?

Tai yra straipsnis iš knygos „Menas būti žmona ir mūza“ Kas yra santykių plėtra? Pirma, mes turime pereiti septynias santykių vystymosi stadijas – nuo įprastų „Badas-SotumasBjaurumas“ link savo pareigų vykdymo ir draugystės. Antra, mes turime atlikti tik tris žingsnius. Tik tris žingsnius link to, kad santykiuose sužydėtų Meilė. Bet šie trys žingsniai nėra tokie lengvi, kaip atrodo. Tai yra tarsi trys raktai siekiant pakeisti santykius, tarsi trys pamatai didelio namo…

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Is it possible to get married once and for all?

Is it possible to get married once and for all?

Is it possible to get married once and for all? Ruslan Narushevich says, that the majority of women are concerned about two questions: «When will I get married?» and «Where’s my money?». And I often deal with this situation, because until a woman hasn’t found her chosen one, It would be difficult for her to make another decisions. Where to live, how to live, what to do… surely that’s a…

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Is it Necessary to Let a Man Be Alone Sometimes?

Is it Necessary to Let a Man Be Alone Sometimes?

Is it Necessary to Let a Man Be Alone Sometimes? It is the holiday season as I write this article and days off are plenty. Women dream about spending more time with their men. But often men have their own plans: meeting with friends or family, playing paintball or pool, or simply having some time alone… Is it beneficial for men to be with us all the time? Perhaps it’s…

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Special children – to love or to heal?

Special children – to love or to heal?

Our elder son is special. I have already written about it here. Some psychologists and other narrow- minded specialists prefer to call him «ill». But I don’t think so. My son can walk by himself. He almost entirely can attend to himself. The only thing that gives itself away is his speech. He cannot yet communicate by phrases and dialogues. Yet. For me the other thing is important. He is…

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