Where Should the Masculine Energy Go?
You definitely know that every person has two types of energy – yin and yang, male and female. The only question is the proportion – which one prevails? Does it correspond to the gender given to us by God? This question is very important.
What’s even more important is that the woman needs the male energy as well in the modern world. It should not be too much of it – about 20-30 per cent from the overall amount in order to be toned up and correspond to the Iron Age. This energy is necessary – and this is the good news for those who are trying to get rid of it. In case the male energy exceeds 30 per cent, it can cause the hormonal failure, and the personal life may become quite upsetting.
The fact that we have this energy is absolutely normal, there’s nothing wrong with it. Nowadays it gives us possibilities to survive and sometimes to attract and keep the man’s interest. At time man does want his woman to be his partner. Not always, not round the clock. But at least so that she could join him in hiking trip once a month, or watch a football game. This does not mean, of course, that the woman should be a bigger fan than he is, but he wants her at least listen to him talking about penalti-kick series in Eurocup…
The reasons for having the excessive male energy are plenty – it could be the way you were raised and educated or karmic reasons. What’s important is to give vent to it. Just fighting it and prohibiting yourself to drive, for example, if you like driving, is very destructive for your personality.
The most natural way is the gradual ousting. In this case the masculine part gets its space and manifestation without harming the feminine part, and the feminine part get a lot of attention by all possible means. Thus masculine energy is vented out safely, and the feminine is attended to as well. Gradually the balance will be restored, and taking care of the family will feel better than being in charge of the big group of people.
Now here is my story. You know how much time and attention I give to my feminine part – to my family, my kids, my house and my creative work, and still my masculine energy requires a way out. Actually several years ago I was an absolute butch, I never even wore a skirt or a dress. My quest for the ways to manifest my masculine part took me a lot of time and effort. If this area is left unattended, I start immersing into work, becoming a boss in the house and arguing with my husband. Do you want to know what my way out of it was?
There is one hobby I have since I was a child. I am the fan of the national team of Italy since1994 and beautiful Italian football playing attracts me a lot. I am not a crazy fan, not at all. I watch the games at home together with my husband and the kids, enjoying the cup of tea and a slice of pie. It is only a dream to attend a Series A game at the stadium, and definitely I will not go there without my husband. I follow the team’s success and enjoy discussing the tactics and the strategy of the team with my husband after the game. By the way, it is even better if your husband shares this kind of hobby with you, it does good to you both. But again – do not get fanatical, he has the right to not love football.
The second hobby emerged all of a sudden. Some time ago we finally bought the bicycles. At first, I was scared if I would be able to take my kid for a ride since I had not ridden a bicycle myself for about 10 years. But buying the bicycles turned out to be one of the best decisions lately.
Every night our family goes for a ride. Absolutely aimlessly, we just go for a ride. The kids love it and get very excited about it. Matvey even gives me orders: “Mom, take a seat! Matvey wants to ride!” I always feel great afterwards, since I have spend time outside in the fresh air, I have been together with my family and I have exercised (once we lost our way and wandered around for almost 3 hours!:) ) By the way, I am wearing a dress when I go for a ride:)
There are plenty of ways to exercise your masculine part. The main thing is to watch that they are not harmful for your health. (That was the reason I quit mountain hiking as I had to carry the 40-60 pound (20-30 kg) backpacks.
Maybe you like driving, fishing or implementing some projects? There’s no reason to quit anything, if it does not disturb your feminine part. You can drive your kids to the swimming lessons and work 3-4 hours a day for the good of your soul.
As always, I’m asking you to be reasonable. Do not start waking up very early or quit consuming meat all at once and of a sudden. Everything has to be done consciously – otherwise the risk of rollback is high. The development is not an easy process by itself – often you do two steps forward and then one step back. If you decide to fanatically jump 20-meter distance, the rollback can be twice as hard.
Do not suppress the masculine – develop the feminine instead. Pay a lot of attention to your feminine part and manifest the masculine side of yours in a safe place. You will see then that the transition will become very smooth.
Take care of yourself, listen to your heart and change yourself consciously. Be fully aware of what you do and why you do it.
Olga Valyaeva – valyaeva.com
translated by Valeriya Chunikhin