About Woman

Can a woman change the family relationship alone?

Can a woman change the family relationship alone?

This is a chapter from the book “The Art Of Being a Wife And a Muse” Almost always there appears a question if I can change relationships myself. If I’m going to change, to do my duties, to accept my husband – what will it lead to? What are the guarantees of success? And this question indicates that with such approach there are no guarantees. We have already discussed three…

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A job or a hobby?

A job or a hobby?

So many times I was questioned about it! – About money, about activity, about potential, about how it is unbearable to stay at home. And about me not staying at home (though I am staying at home all the time – it is just my home circling the globe along with my family). Definitely a woman should not be locked in alone with pots and pans. There she would howl…

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What is the dignity?

What is the dignity?

Let’s talk about another essential aspect, which is particularly urgent for Russian women. For those brought up by Soviet parents. For those with many childhood traumas. For those with complicated family scripts. The topic raised in this article is women’s dignity. There are two most common attitudes towards the matter: Dignity is pride therefore it is a sin. I deserve the best because I am the best (the pride itself)…

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What the men want (for women about men)

What the men want (for women about men)

What the men want Special thanks to Ruslan Narushevych for the shared knowledge about men`s nature which helped me to write this article. Before marriage it would be extremely useful for each woman to have a “Manual” to her husband. The same about men – a “Manual” for a wife would be very much suitable too. Our biggest mistake is to think that we are all identical and the same….

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